Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Russell Crowe Whacks

On The Sun and other news sources today, Russell Crowe was reported whacking some hotel staff in New York due to poor service. In my opinion, he should be stripped off the Best Male Actor award he got from Gladiator simply for the fact that he didn't act in that film, it was his nature to be whacking people.

Now we have a friend who is quite prominent on this blog. This dude has a history of wanting to whack people off the slightest annoyance. In fact, he was once forced to hang out at the conference room of the infamous ss2 police station for 9 hours for whacking a dude. 9 hours without food, water, or a chance to go to the toilet. Ouch. Fortunately he was let go without charges.

I tried my best imagining what would happened if we put Russell and our friend in the same picture, and all I can come up with was this.. Cheers.

Russell PWNED Fag

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